In 2010, Stone created an organization, Catalytic Longevity, to advance a dietary approach called "Carbohydrate Concentration."
But diet and lifestyle modification, including physical activity, and use of complementary dietary approaches and dietary supplements, benefit patients with cardiovascular disease.
He attributes his longevity to the low-carbohydrate dietary approach and lifestyle changes he developed for diabetics.
Dr. Brad Efron, a professor of statistics at Stanford, has a different dietary approach.
Many parents and doctors don't like the idea of medication and would prefer a more natural or dietary approach.
For each individual there very well may be one best dietary approach.
Q. What do you think of dietary approaches like the Feingold diet?
Weight management expert column-making scientific sense of different dietary approaches, Part 1: meeting dietary needs, achieving weight loss.
Weight management expert column-making scientific sense of different dietary approaches, Part 2: evaluating diets.
With mild behavioural symptoms, it may be better to cope with them in other ways, rather than trying a dietary approach.