The difference between what is said in the palace and what is shouted on the plaza underscores an inescapable conclusion about Mexico almost seven months after the peso was disastrously devalued: the economy here now has two faces.
The differences in our results and that of the NYSDOH underscore the need for an exploratory, integrative, and multi-scalar approach to assessing geographic patterns of disease, as different methods identify different patterns.
If the "two cultures" are to communicate effectively, these differences underscore the pressing need for scientists who can present their technical points of view with a lucidity that will be found appealing to the general public.
Sure enough, the heavens do play their role, though not in quite the same way as in the West, and the differences underscore a distinct vision here of what marriage is all about.
Subtle differences in the interpretation of the supervenience concept underscore different schools of thought within physicalism.
The differences in their fund-raising underscore the sharply different missions of the Bush and Kerry campaigns.
We wanted to move away from that and show how the differences between cultures can actually underscore similarities.
In short, all history is catching up with us, and this very difference, paradoxically, underscores our break with the past.
The stark differences underscored the deep class conflict in this country of 25 million people.
The differences between them underscore the arbitrariness with which the United States Government, the Congress, human rights groups and news organizations focus attention on Americans who get in trouble overseas.