The two packages are attached to different bills and they contain some differences that will have to be taken up by conference committees.
Virtually every state has considered changing its eminent-domain laws; at least 13 different bills on the subject have been introduced in Congress.
A conference committee to reconcile the two different bills collapsed.
Both chambers passed very different bills to extend the program.
"At the end of the day, you could wind up with no savings and four different bills, like the telephone," he added.
A new gimmick this year has to do with the fact that spending is broken down into 13 different bills.
But there are also services that allow you to get many different bills delivered and paid online.
He said the House and Senate would push forward with different bills, although the same objectives.
Since the Senate and House have strikingly different bills, no one knows when a new campaign finance law will take effect.
This means that two different bills can have the same number.