On last year's tour, they attended the world choir games in Cincinnati, Ohio to compete against many different choirs around the world.
The Lake Braddock Chorus consists of 5 different choirs.
Carl Sandburg High School currently has 8 different choirs that can be an after school activity or taken as a class.
The choir department is divided into different choirs, which perform music at differing styles and levels of complexity.
There are also three different choirs, concert choir, gentlemen's chorus and vivace.
The Upper School consists of five different choirs.
There are five different choirs in the music program.
In France, the double keyboards were adapted to control different choirs of strings, making a more musically flexible instrument.
Pope's Choral Department supports three different choirs that frequently merge on various occasions.
He said such ambitious productions, which in the past have included as many as 10 different choirs, were made possible by his position in the temple.