Each room has a different décor, with the styles ranging from Victorian to Old Mexico.
The décor, different in every room, is fantastic.
Or that he was planning to buy or build a different home and wanted a different decor.
But, each of our restaurants has a different decor - as well as certain dishes - which reflect the local tastes.
Now each group of 10 children has its own classroom and sleeping room, all in different decors, and they try to live as families.
You'll see the Men's Lounge later, and it's the same basic layout with different decor.
Now, they live together again - in mirror-image half houses with completely different decor.
Each room here has a different rustic-chic décor.
Transformed by local artists into living performance art, with a different decor every month.
Many hotels are paired, with slightly different decor but the same price and architecture.