But even with their very different itineraries, the two lawyers shared a mission, one that could best be described as a kind of legal agronomy.
They drove back to Mannheim three days later, by a different itinerary.
They arrived in Israel with different itineraries.
Stanton said the union had discussed different itineraries for the players, especially those whose teams are on the road, for later this week.
A similar cruise with a slightly different itinerary will be offered Aug. 4 to 11.
The boat has different itineraries of varying lengths.
The different itineraries formed a kind of religious network in the past.
There are three main different itineraries through the Rooms of the Museum:
"Even if Lieutenant Yar has chosen a different itinerary, I would like to see it."
Today the company offers 125 different itineraries, about 20 percent of which are river trips, with more than 1,000 departures a year.