We've already identified changes in the folding of twelve different peptides, and that's probably only the beginning.
The acids then form identifiable peptide chains on each bead that have enabled Houghten to produced libraries of more than 500 million different peptides.
At present about 100 different peptides are known to be released by different populations of neurons in the mammalian brain.
Some neurons make several different peptides.
The crural gland produces a venom secretion containing at least nineteen different peptides, in addition to non-protein components.
The class IIb bacteriocins (two-peptide bacteriocins) require two different peptides for activity.
The molecules are slightly different peptides, but each contains eight amino acids arranged in a ring with a tail.
A conglomerate of different peptides exist in all amphibian species and some help prevent against the chytrid fungus.
This gene encodes three different mature peptides, including two isotypes: a shorter form and a longer form.
It contains several cell types and several different peptides (including vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal peptide) and neurotransmitters.