John Bergstrom is putting together a team of approximately 50 of his combat-ready SEAL troops, taking men from several different active platoons.
During his time there he stops a trio of squaddies from a different platoon from gang-raping one of the villagers.
The unit expanded to approximately 20 officers working on four different platoons.
Down in the control room a shift change took place an hour ago, and a different platoon is now thinly dispersed throughout the British Sector of Berlin.
The first platoon of Alpha Company had, like a college fraternity, metamorphosed into a different platoon, only the name remained the same-new blood in; old, tired, and dead blood out.
The survivors had been distributed around, each in a different platoon.
Mobile Infantry commanders, for example, can choose from a wide variety of different platoons.
He immediately volunteered to join a different platoon, which had been ordered to counterattack.
Just a week before, a different platoon in the battalion had hit a mine while accompanying the Afghan police along a dirt road.
It was not unusual for an area to be searched three or four times by different platoons.