The division is rather large and currently broken into seven different subdivisions, each led by a designated producer and group manager.
The revised proof eliminates these redundancies by relying on a different subdivision of cases.
The troy system was used in the apothecaries' system, but with different further subdivisions.
These aberrant branches can simultaneously innervate different subdivisions of the facial nerve.
The effect of these different subdivisions, especially when they occur simultaneously, is to blur the aural landscape, creating the micropolyphonic effect of Ligeti's music.
There are three different subdivisions of slaughter offering:
Hampton Cove has 2,000 homes in twenty different subdivisions ranging from patio homes and townhomes to family homes and multi-million dollar estates.
There were 18 owners and 26 producers as of October 2007 (an owner can own different subdivisions and/or lease to different producers).
The composite hypothesis states that Haldane's rule in different subdivisions has different causes.
In the sense that in both cases the name is a general term for a number of very different and distinct subdivisions.