His eyebrows had a different tint, above eyes that were a startling greenish blue instead of the deep brown he had been born with.
This time, they were finished, but in all different tints.
But the events of Sept. 11, 2001 put a very different tint on Kennedy's quest for adventure.
He dreamed-yes, sometimes he dreamed of a country under another sky with a different tint and a warmer sun.
Developing eggs change colour from red to orange to yellow before they hatch, giving the brooding mother a different tint at each stage.
These come in different tints, but some are almost clear, yet still are efficient at blocking out heat.
Here are the fifty different tints of he- moglobin, carelessly scattered across a muddy country road.
These lines are invisible to the naked eye but give different parts of the bill different tints.
These OBAs are available in different tints such as blue, violet and red.
Incorporating the four different tints, I moved across the picture from one season to the next.