Minor variations on the first state exist with different wording in the titles and inscription.
Then the seller will post another ad with different wording at a "deal" price, a fraction of the original price.
Make them short - five to ten seconds - and have several different wordings, all simple.
"But we have no hard-line opposition to someone proposing different wording that conveys the same principle," he said.
Travers often started by repeating the question with slightly different wording just to make sure he understood.
Although using different wording, the end result is identical.
Each colony had the same 'Britannia' design with different wording.
Each has different wording, but are the same story by author Jane Yolen.
Closer examination suggests that the discrepancy may be due to the different wording of the questions.
Confusion might follow if 'a proliferation of undertakings using different wording' were encouraged.