He said the peace effort is "at a difficult juncture."
There is also the fact that prevention efforts in Tamil Nadu are at a difficult juncture.
The post-war years and the Emergency was a difficult and dangerous juncture for the community.
Irresponsible though it is at this difficult economic juncture to discourage children from buying Smirnoff, sometimes the government has to step in.
As 2003 draws to a close, he finds himself at an especially difficult juncture, the result of a seemingly unstoppable tide of bad news.
At this difficult juncture, putting the support mechanism into action cannot mean taking the European rule of law out of action.
It is absolutely crucial that the European Union should demonstrate its effectiveness at this difficult juncture.
Louis fought his first professional fight in 1934, a crucial and difficult juncture for black America.
"Breakfast," answered the cool, audacious Frenchman, who always brought up this solution at the most difficult juncture.
At every difficult juncture, he stopped and turned, reaching down and easily hoisting Catti-brie up beside him.