Infants with Costello syndrome may be large at birth, but grow more slowly than other children and have difficulty feeding.
Benjamin and Flopsy are "very improvident and cheerful" and have some difficulty feeding their many children.
However, this will often cause malfunctions where the magazine spring has difficulty feeding rounds quickly enough to match the SAW's high cyclic rate.
Another child who had been of normal weight was now wasting away because his mother had difficulty feeding him regularly.
Regulations are only part of the many difficulties feeding Mr. Nguyen's frustration.
Your child has difficulty feeding properly.
This act was no small matter as the country was poor and had difficulty feeding and caring for such a large group of refugees.
Surgery may be required if the child has difficulty feeding or talking; the operation is called a frenulotomy.
Tell your doctor immediately if your infant develops increased sleepiness, difficulty feeding, or trouble breathing.
At least some coots have difficulty feeding a large family of hatchlings on the tiny shrimp and insects that they collect.