The film follows The Wall as further documentation of the West Bank wall and the difficulties imposed upon Palestinians.
However, in September 2011, Wal-Mart resumed the service due to the new financial difficulties imposed by the economy and the increased constraints on consumer credit.
It was a brilliant display of this team's ability to cope with the difficulties imposed by introducing a new chassis and engine.
The natural and inherent difficulties of mounting a significant archeological project in Italy often pale beside the obstacles - bureaucratic, financial, criminal, or personal - imposed by diverse interested factions.
Some problems are reviewed in the survey which perhaps owe more to difficulties imposed by the local economic circumstances than to structural features of the mental health system.
Construction continued intermittently due to limited funding, lack of competent workmen, and difficulties imposed by the Civil War.
Imagine brittle diabetics, for example, and consider the difficulties imposed upon them if, through managed competition, they are shifted yearly from one care giver to another.
After a tour of South America in 1917, and due to travel difficulties imposed by the war, the family settled in Switzerland, where his mental condition continued to deteriorate.
The difficulties imposed on them by the transition period may well be a focus for all their discontent.
Sometimes, in the anguish of our task, we lose sight of the difficulty imposed upon others.