The intensity of the aura increased as more men-both Zhentilar and dalesmen-died, and the Biack Lord had difficulty suppressing his delight.
Moreover, to her intense dismay, Lady Laura finds she has great difficulty suppressing her true feelings for Finn, and Kennedy becomes suspicious.
Captain Servadac applied himself to his task while the by-standers waited, with some difficulty suppressing their inclination to laugh.
Mondale was trying to look earnest and concerned, but he was having increasing difficulty suppressing his hatred.
He had difficulty suppressing his emotions at the tremendous welcome he received.
The boys could hear the excited voice of their aunt and had difficulty suppressing grins.
But she had no real difficulty suppressing the giggle.
She had some difficulty suppressing her laughter.
Picard had his own difficulties suppressing his reaction.
He was so dejected that Varian, despite the seriousness of the moment, had difficulty suppressing her amusement.