This, arguably, provides a diffuse but important form of decision control over the managers.
And it exists, in more diffuse form, out there in the world, in scary strangers spied on the street.
Contour maps are especially useful for diffuse forms or scales of pollution.
This cancer tends to occur in several sites or in a diffuse form with no solid mass.
Proprietary media forms like television are slowly being replaced with more diffuse forms of engagement and entertainment, which is less mediated by dominant corporate interests.
The diffuse form of the spectacle is associated with the abundance of commodities, with the undisturbed development of modern capitalism.
It suddenly occurred to Pausert that while the Nanites were clearly able to think, the diffuse form of their intelligence made them relatively slow witted.
In addition more complex and diffuse forms of accountability hedge public managers in ways which have no parallel in the private sector.
Hyperalgesia can be experienced in focal, discrete areas, or as a more diffuse, body-wide form.
Conditioning studies have established that it is possible to experience a learned hyperalgesia of the latter, diffuse form.