In contrast, other detectors maps show a much more diffuse pattern over the entire area caused by poor localization and false responses to background clutter.
A stripe of weak, diffuse patterns of many brown-reddish-chestnut hairs occurs along the spine.
Adults are similar to Xylophanes monzoni but generally paler, with a less diffuse pattern and more falcate forewings.
The hindwings are grey with a diffuse reticulated brownish pattern, but lighter towards the wing base.
It is similar to Xylophanes falco, but generally darker, with a more diffuse pattern and less falcate forewings.
The diffuse pattern never quite works.
On chest radiographs, a diffuse micronodular interstitial pattern (at times with ground-glass density in the lower and middle lung zones) may be observed.
The majority of isolates showed a diffuse pattern of adhesion.
Er a bus system however is more able to provide a more diffuse pattern of access to those areas, from outside, wherever the new settlement is located.
The tumor cells are tightly packed and grow in a diffuse pattern without evidence of structural organization.