Manager Joe Torre usually contains his angry thoughts and waits a day before unleashing them in a more digestible form.
Aggregating all this free information and presenting it in a readily digestible form is a rapidly growing area of internet technology.
It will not use KO11, but a different proprietary process for rendering the cellulose into digestible form.
Eggs and cheese are also easily digestible forms of animal protein.
It is like a digestive aid breaking down some foods, such as wheat, into more digestible and more edible forms.
"It's something we do for our readers to help put in context in a reader-friendly, digestible form this huge amount of data and information."
Like the dairy product "soft-serve," the music flows out in easily digestible form even if you are not quite sure of its ingredients.
The two methods of nutrient uptake are important due to the ability of the prey to process nutrients into a digestible form for the predator.
This contains all the necessary nutrients for your species in easily digestible form.
So I developed this staccato style for him, where the stuff was put in a highly digestible form.