Drink plenty of water with your fiber or you'll end up with digestive troubles.
Other physical manifestations of stress include headaches, insomnia, digestive trouble and acne.
He died at his home in Independence, on Saturday, 18 September 1909, from a cerebral hemorrhage, after struggling for several days with digestive trouble.
If he eats better foods, not only will his digestive troubles clear up, but his general level of health will improve.
Her health got bad, she was sick often, digestive troubles, sciatica, chest pains... .
The bad thing is that I take it about once a week and I can get horrible lower digestive trouble with watery diarrhea.
Her eyes weren't as bright and lively as usual; either her digestive troubles were back or she'd continued drinking.
Oscars are notorious for digestive troubles, and you can avoid future trouble by varying their diet.
My digestive troubles were not over and I spent the flight from London to Frankfurt in the toilet.