With wonderful legal double talk, the bill says it guarantees consumers the right to non-commercial digital copying - but for a price.
Digital Copy is a sample of interpretation of digital copying.
Yes, digital copying is fast; it's exact; it's easy.
Also, the mini-disk system includes a circuit that prevents digital copying from one mini-disk to another.
Q. Will there ever be an effective way to prevent digital copying?
They don't think they can live without them, and they feel quite threatened by wholesale digital copying.
With digital copying, the copier effectively consists of an integrated scanner and laser printer.
For example, one desktop machine could provide fax, laser printing, document scanning, voice mail and digital copying, the company said.
The publishing and recording industries must be drastically recast to account for digital copying and distribution.
The new plan would permit direct digital copying, allowing for better tapes to be made by consumers.