The software employed in a digital darkroom varies greatly depending on the photographer's needs, budget and skill.
As image size and resolution increases, so do the requirements for hardware in a digital darkroom.
In March 2012 the gallery expanded to a second floor with an additional gallery, digital darkroom, and dedicated space for community usage.
Webber mastered the digital darkroom in the James Hickey fashion photography and lighting studio.
Once you're equipped, these printers take the concept of a digital darkroom to a powerful new level.
YOU have all of the software for your digital darkroom - now how do you get the photos in there?
On the contrary, high-end digital darkrooms have enabled photographers to get results they had never imagined possible.
The computer's digital darkroom is equally if not more engaging than a traditional darkroom.
"Beyond Photography - the digital darkroom".
"A digital darkroom is now our core market," he said.