The idea of digital dashboards followed the study of decision support systems in the 1970s.
With the surge of the web in the late 1990s, digital dashboards as we know them today began appearing.
The dashboard digital said it was 12:15, which meant he had ample time to kill before his meeting with Brognola.
Often, a clinical trial management system provides data to a business intelligence system, which acts as a digital dashboard for trial managers.
The digital dashboard of higher end models proved to be controversial and unreliable.
In 1983, Renault 11 Electronic was the first European hatchback to have digital dashboard.
The interior came with standard leather seats, digital dashboard, and four-spoke steering wheel (redesigned in 1985).
If you can add a digital dashboard to your service, do it.
Inside, a full digital dashboard was introduced with push-button controls at either end of the instrument binnacle.