Their digital equivalents use synthesised speech to speak the time on command.
The Kindle is an amazing reading tool, its the true digital equivalent of a paperback book.
Isn't this the digital equivalent of people who talk incessantly while others are trying to watch something on TV?
Which classic or contemporary titles are the digital equivalent of a big, long hug?
Of course, such a show requires the digital equivalent of a projector.
The newest optical systems can transmit the digital equivalent of all of those calls over a single fiber in about 11 days.
Are these then the digital equivalent of picture disks, those old LP's that had color pictures on the surface?
The only acceptable software here is the digital equivalent of "beach books," mindless, trashy and irrelevant.
My guess is right now they are doing the digital equivalent of a "shredding party" and we will never know the whole story.