The juggling act begins as the user looks up the number on the digital organizer, then tries to dial it on the phone.
Mr. Rothwell said he had turned discarded digital organizers into picture frames that play music.
The company said it would begin a test program in December for 5,000 users of the popular hand-held digital organizer.
Just once, I'd like to walk in and see my personal digital organizer beating the tar out of my pager.
"I bought a Palm V on the Web recently and got a great price," he said, referring to the popular personal digital organizer.
The advances made by technology in print also impact anyone using cell phones, laptops, and personal digital organizers.
They are easy to learn and can be played on a variety of devices, including PC's, laptops, digital organizers and cellphones.
A calculator could, for example, act as a handheld digital organizer.
To send the message in e-mail, n-scribe's case must be connected to a cell phone, a digital organizer or a computer.
Each buyer gets a personalized set of adapter tips for his particular phone, digital organizer or camera.