KooBits is a software company focusing on interactive digital publishing.
To accomplish this the library's activities range from supporting education in information literacy to serving as an expert center for digital publishing.
We've spent the last few weeks navigating the world of digital publishing and are happy to announce that Unmasked is now available for purchase.
Absent a clear sense of the future, digital publishing has become a Rorschach test for the book business.
I should confess I have another reason for not being wild about digital publishing.
My publisher has just asked to amend my contract to take account of digital publishing.
Exactly how what Apple announces on Thursday will impact digital publishing isn't certain, however.
My concern about digital publishing is the potential lack of persistence of data.
In 1990, Woolley became a pioneer of digital publishing.
With digital publishing on the rise, the founders hope to "bring back to life" books that are out of print and make money from them.