This doesn't describe the current market for e-books, which are generally sold only as exact digital replicas of their print counterparts.
A full-sized digital replica was made for the South African government in 2002.
It is also sold as a digital replica for tablet computers.
The cards will hold a chip that has a digital replica of the cardholder's thumbprint.
A digital replica of each issue of the magazine is accessible online.
A special flash in oldtime style is available for Minox's series of classic analog and digital replicas.
Some newspapers even provide E-Paper which is regarded as the digital replica of the newspaper.
However, she is able to show Peter a digital replica and the image depicted seems to be a dead man resembling Peter.
The Replica Edition is an exact digital replica of the printed paper.
Blueprints of the White House were also used to create a digital replica, which helped make the exterior scenes look authentic.