For some consumers, making prints of digital snapshots is neither quick nor convenient.
The software enables a user to transmit live color video to a computer and then send digital snapshots to any other computer over the Internet.
Installed at 50 busy intersections, the cameras take digital snapshots of cars running red lights.
They are reading bedtime stories over the phone from their hotel room, or sending digital snapshots of the Paris skyline via e-mail.
A subscriber can take digital snapshots by attaching the one-ounce camera accessory to the phone.
Several companies will also print favorite digital snapshots on items ranging from coffee mugs to mouse pads.
Over a million people contributed to this digital snapshot of the country.
That's the digital snapshot I made of the river valley where we buried the stuff.
Raoul has been good enough to supply digital snapshots, but I think a firsthand account would be of more value.
Shutterfly's revenue derives from "turning digital snapshots into tangible things".