Whether it is the words or her dignified bearing, it works.
The old knight, for all his dignified bearing, looked back at him with the eyes of a hunted animal.
The American's certitude, combined with his dignified bearing, intimidated even this trained killer.
One of the chief councillors, an older man with a dignified bearing, stepped forward.
With his erect, dignified bearing he reminded more of an old Kentucky colonel I once knew.
One day while tending the flocks, Abdullah saw two men, middle-aged and of dignified bearing, coming towards him from a distance.
I was escorted within the building into the presence of an old negro, a fine looking man, with a dignified and military bearing.
Her father was tall and lean, with a shock of steel-gray hair and a dignified bearing.
Though not a tall man, his dignified bearing and traditional Sikh headdress made him seem more formidable than he really was.
Because of its noble, dignified bearing, the lion is known as the "king of beasts."