Designed by Barott and Blackader, the dignified 10-storey building was the first office tower to be built completely of reinforced concrete.
The former, a dignified nineteenth-century building, reminded me of St Peter's at Brighton.
They also find it to be a dignified building as a backdrop for concerts.
They produced two schemes for a simple, dignified building in harmony with the rest of the Capitol Complex.
It was a large, dignified building in a much more salubrious area of the Nightside.
Stone walls surrounded the neat, dignified building.
a dignified distinct building dedicated to the service of the Church.
Cognac is an unassuming country town (pop 19,600) whose little streets are flanked by dignified buildings in local white stone.
The neighborhood south of the temples is filled with old kura as well as dignified wooden commercial buildings from the 19th century.
How do we make a building dignified but not Disneyfied as post-modernism becomes passe or pretentious?