As we passed him, Bob gave us a look of deep disgust and stalked down in a dignified fashion to retrieve it.
Eventually, they would come across the crewman who had laid his comrades out in such dignified fashion.
In dignified fashion, he walked past the servants.
He was a nice enough looking chap, really handsome in a spare, dignified fashion.
My name," he said, in dignified fashion, "is Mayo Adrich.
Blade noticed that the steps of the great staircase were too wide to climb in any sort of dignified fashion.
Notice the noble, dignified and selfless fashion in which he refused to give the reasons for his decisions.
The Mayas surged forward in friendly yet dignified fashion to inspect their visitors.
He cleared his throat in dignified fashion, and began to speak.
Hitler's birthday was celebrated with most of the usual trappings and in 'dignified and serious fashion' as befitted the war situation.