For the time being, she must maintain the dignified presence of a Thennanin admiral.
Is Mr. Ohga a dignified and graceful presence on the podium?
A dignified presence, no one could have accused him of eliciting such a response.
A person of many mysteries and of a dignified presence.
In personal appearance he was of dignified presence, but pleasant and affable to all.
The members who spoke remembered him as having a dignified, gentlemanly presence in the assembly.
Curiosity won in the end as they became aware of the stranger and her dignified presence.
Yet, throughout, his wife has stood by him: a dignified, silent, supportive presence.
In these portraits, he attempts to imbue a proud, dignified presence upon his subjects, most frequently urban people of color.
The walls and ceiling were of a beautiful, polished marble, the tall, ribbed windows to the right gracefully matching their dignified presence.