The big events were covered with dignified reserve.
The first look at her showed a beautiful woman filled with dignified reserve, the second a woman of steel, stern as a bared blade.
Confronted by this sounding sea of men, he gazed in a numb astonishment, giving a brief illusion of dignified reserve.
Her usual dignified reserve had availed her nothing.
When men like yourself, who represent the foolish curiosity of the public, came to disturb my privacy I was unable to meet them with dignified reserve.
Gone was his dignified reserve and regal bearing when he held achubby drooling son on each knee.
He laid the deadly thing away and maintained a dignified reserve.
Neither of the Sams made any pretence of dignified reserve regarding their mutual wrongs.
He was careful not to step on anybody and their actions he treated with dignified reserve.
He looked at his visitor with amiable curiosity, a round-faced, good-natured soul, but with a dignified reserve about him, too.