The Defense Secretary made the announcement in a joint appearance with the President in the dignified setting of the Oval Office.
"We got an opportunity to talk in a rather dignified setting, a place with some gravitas," said Mr. Ramsey, 65.
As befits such a dignified setting, the cemetery cradles the remains of many distinguished men, including no less than five governors and the poet Robert Frost.
It is certainly a dignified setting.
But in next week's dignified setting, he must put his vetoes positively, as invitations to improve legislation to more painlessly bring about an agreed goal of a balanced budget.
Essentially one grand room with side galleries, the building provides a dignified setting for exhibits that are as easy to negotiate as they are unexpected.
The centers have been praised by various city agencies and by the homeless themselves as exceptional facilities that provide a dignified setting conducive to decent (though interim) family living.
The design is intended to present the car in a dignified setting.
Becton's sermons were formal and presented in a dignified setting, with orchestral music and liveried pages.
It deserves a dignified setting.