In autumn of 1976 an already dilapidated old church of St. Anthony was demolished built in 1919.
The Exterior church set was a dilapidated old church that he trucked out to the middle of a large prairie.
An older, dilapidated church was replaced by a new building in 1834, also dedicated to St. Michael.
The play follows an evening church service with the Reverend Eddie, a protestant minister, and his assistant, Brother Lawrence, in a dilapidated church.
These duties did not hinder him from repairing many dilapidated churches of his diocese.
But after the dilapidated church was spruced up, neighbors followed suit.
He paid 15,000 rubles out of pocket to renovate the dilapidated church.
The Florentine Cristoforo Buondelmonti saw the dilapidated church in 1420.
In 1641, King Charles I gave money to replace the dilapidated old church in Berwick.
With his wife's help, he inaugurated a confraternity of the Rosary and in October 1873 started restoring a dilapidated church.