For instance, when Danny, Nathan and Gemma first enter the dilapidated farm, Nathan finds three tarot cards, the star, the fool and the magician.
On returning to the United Kingdom, Conran worked for her father accessorising his restaurants whilst renovating a dilapidated farm in Devon, rearing pigs and growing vegetables.
He stared around the dilapidated farm, trying to feel entitled.
In 1948, the family settled in Tullow, County Carlow, Ireland, buying a dilapidated farm called "Munny House", which they transformed into a commercial success.
Inspired, the trio sell their dilapidated car and buy an equally dilapidated farm.
I passed silent, dilapidated farms, with sagging barns and closed windows.
When his wife discovers the foreigner living in the cellar she insists he get rid of him, but he does not report the stranger to the authorities and puts him to work on his dilapidated farm.
In 1957 Holtz purchased a dilapidated farm just outside Mukwonago, Wisconsin known as Mayflower Farm, a misnomer for the wild Pasque flowers that grow on its prairies.
The film places the majority of its action outdoors around the dilapidated farms and in the wheat fields of Idaho shot in idyllic sunlight which belies the dark secrets of the characters and plot.
He moved on to France with the plan of acquiring a dilapidated farm there, which he, a skilled carpenter, then wanted to restore himself.