It was a very dilapidated vehicle, known in the country as a kibitka, just capable of holding three persons.
Many shopwindows were boarded up, and anything and everything served as a taxi, even dilapidated private vehicles.
As they traverse the desert in their dilapidated vehicles, the series followed how they solved multiple car problems with inventive, wacky and unpredictable bush repair techniques.
The dilapidated vehicle somehow managed to limp through another 2 weeks on the road but cost the band thousands even with insurance.
Think of the criminal justice system as an old dilapidated vehicle, a jalopy.
Most of the accidents are due to the low quality of driving standards, dilapidated vehicles, poor road maintenance, and/or reckless driving.
Few of the repeat offenders care if they lose their cars, he added, because they tend to drive nearly worthless dilapidated vehicles.
Alpha Team was already on the road in a similar dilapidated vehicle.
But prior experience had taught him to expect at least one or two dilapidated vehicles in an urban center the size of the town.
The old dilapidated vehicle was actually much more powerful than its appearance indicated.