So, for some of your diligent readers (such as myself), please keep with it; I (and I hope other readers) enjoy your input!
In folding the 60-Minute Gourmet tent I would like to thank the countless diligent readers who have kept me on my toes with suggestions, comments and criticism.
Movie titles that don't ring an immediate bell can often slip past the most diligent readers of lengthy program listings, along with some worthwhile diversions.
But for the diligent reader, the authors' presentation of the artifacts and plans that have created the world's great outdoor rooms offers an insight a page (at least).
His neighbour finds the texts and over time turns into an assiduous and diligent reader, to whom the many woes of being a writer are revealed.
Mr Harrington was a diligent reader.
Kubler's text has been compared by some to reading a work by Shakespeare; spending time with it rewards the diligent reader.
The partnership deals, so complex that even a diligent reader cannot help feeling lost but all adding up to fake profits and hidden losses.
On the other hand, there are tables and graphs and a methodical list of the alternatives, so the intelligent and diligent reader can make up his own mind.
In the end notes, the diligent reader will find more complete explanations relevant to points he has simplified in the main text.