Journalists from The Times do not have a vote, but some others diligently record their rankings having seen only brief highlights of the day's games.
Attentive GU diligently recorded his every word like a mechanical lab notebook.
In 1450, Landucci began keeping the diary that would posthumously prove his claim to fame, diligently recording events of the day until his death.
This time, however, a new set of false teeth caused considerable distortion to Washington's mouth; they gave Stuart some trouble, too, but he diligently recorded the expression.
The Cassettes continued to hone their sound, diligently recording new material, refining previously recorded works, and consistently playing on the eastern seaboard of the United States.
Over time, having a passion for trading and diligently recording experiences will help a trader develop the awareness needed to trust those intuitive "leaps."
I diligently recorded their itinerary and wasted a few more breaths assuring her I'd do something about the missing couple.
Deeper in, the two death investigators from the ME's office were also diligently recording their findings.
These watcheyes are diligently recording a completely artificial version of our meeting, an innocuous discussion of the human rebels.
Perhaps you are like Mrs. Virkus, the mother of my childhood friend Jill, who diligently recorded every family dinner, down to the last ground-beef "porcupine ball."