"Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegations of wrongdoing."
During the series they approach each other as father and daughter, while Madame Bofvén planning to rob the big department store and the police seek diligently after the thieves.
Chris found me one day with my arm upraised, seeking diligently to grasp one single, crinkly amber hair and ruthlessly yank it out.
At last she was satisfied that the local constabulary would diligently seek the animal, and departed.
Those who sincerely and diligently seek God's truth can find it.
And the reply from Mack: "Tell Pop there are a lot of truths about Asian women and I'm diligently seeking the full story.
Other researchers immediately disputed the claim, and a California team that has been diligently seeking Wimps declared that it had found none at all.
Science and the law are two systems of inquiry that diligently seek truth.
It is the belief of the Latter-day Saints that direct revelation is available to all mankind who diligently seek God with sincerity, and real intent.
The Government disputed the film, saying officials diligently sought to find Charles Horman, and they denied any implications of complicity.