Now that Eddie had seen it, he could not unsee it; a dim aisle driving through the untidy tangle which surrounded the clearing, a straight-edge course that was the way of the Beam.
There was dust in his eyes and mouth as he tried to see down the dim aisle.
What fiend spoke from the recesses of my soul, when amid those dim aisles, and in the silence of the night, I whispered within the ears of the holy man the syllables - Morella?
Humans and domestics converged on a narrow, dim aisle.
Charlie walked down the dim aisle.
The notes, freighted with man's dearest prayers, re-echoed through the dim aisles, and the bleeding of the soul's wounds was staunched by heavenly balm.
There was movement underneath them, in the dim aisles that ran through a sweating undergrowth of ferns and saw-toothed grasses.
There was no sound in the dim aisle or anywhere in the large room of the morgue.
Wylie nodded down the dim aisle of the stable, toward the shadows at the farther end.
Thus it happened that on the 14th of February, 18 - , a numerous crowd was collected in the dim aisles of St. Mungo, the old cathedral of Glasgow.