Because the surface of the earth is experienced as roughly flat, three dimensional travel is foreign to the audience.
His other dimensional travels had already driven away Zoe, the woman he had come closest to marrying-would have married under other circumstances.
Once proficient in astral form, they soon learn the next step and begin dimensional travel.
After some time, the government discovered methods of safe dimensional travel.
Powers: Sorcery, flight, dimensional travel.
All of these games have connections to each other, whether it be the same world, dimensional travel, same creatures, or the same über-hard tyrant, Baal.
Rhinox appears in "Withered Hope", where he testified to the Senate on matter of the GoBot's dimensional travel.
This was the largest Grand Council ever assembled, for all AEthereal were in attendance, down to the youngest fledgling capable of dimensional travel.
In addition, many of the story arcs involve either time travel, dimensional travel, and villains who want to kill all the characters.
But whatever they have, it is the key to time travel, dimensional travel, probably other things.