A baby's first birthday, the dimpled face smeared with vanilla ice cream and crumbs of chocolate cake.
She was about thirty, of medium height and very fair with a round dimpled face and very blue eyes.
Alphonso screwed up his round, dimpled face in a crude parody of the guerrilla leader's death agony, causing the others to hoot with laughter.
The other bearded folk in the room promptly agreed, putting a blush on the halfling's deceivingly dimpled face.
Dol's dimpled face was for once registering expression.
Mr. Bosket does not look dangerous - slightly built at 5 feet 9 inches and 150 pounds, he has a handsome, dimpled face.
He dove facedown to his mattress, pulling the ends of the pillow up around his dimpled face.
He saw a smile appear on her dimpled face.
She turned her dimpled smiling face to the Englishman.