She smiled at him, but it was a poor, strained effort, not like the glorious, dimpled grin she'd dazzled him with moments earlier.
His eyebrows were unnaturally arched, and the dimpled grin on his face was completely alien.
His eyes dropped to that mouth now as its seriously set shape was transformed by a puckish, dimpled grin.
"Child, I remember the day you were born," Ms. Jackson said, mimicking Ms. Brown and flashing a dimpled grin.
The child pushed the blocks over, gave a dimpled grin into the camera, and stood up, dancing in a circle.
Stephan Brinkmann is irresistibly gangly-limbed, with tousled hair and a dimpled grin.
The next thing I knew, Harrison was tugging on my arm, flashing a dimpled grin and glowing with health.
Harrison flashed another dimpled grin.
Now and then that face breaks into a radiant dimpled grin (a Quaid speciality), and the boy inside the man beams out reassuringly.
He wears a handsome tan and dimpled grin and speaks in cool, television-ready sound bites.