In some places complete dinners are offered at lower prices, and in others diners get two main dishes for the price of one.
And at lunch on Saturday, diners can get temporary henna tattoos.
At the clubs, diners get the luxury of both.
Just as better-dressed diners get prime tables at a restaurant, human nature dictates better results for those who appear to have money.
At a time when Americans are drinking less, the half-bottle format allows diners to get quality without quantity.
The other diners were all getting their own from a ledge, buffet style.
Maybe diners could get a reduction if they agreed to model House of Fraser clothing while sitting in the window.
Roasted garlic soup, though smooth and satisfying, was so rich that diners who finish it may never get past the first course.
But now those diners are increasingly getting their own nonalcoholic beverage pairings.
Once diners get over sticker shock, they are in for a satisfying meal of exciting, creative food.