But at least the diner knew (more or less) what he or she was getting.
Our server made sure that diners knew exactly what their selections included.
Once diners know their favorites, ordering a la carte is the way to go.
The biggest challenge might simply be that few diners actually know how many calories is too many, or even care.
But diners who love food know who they are.
At least Paladar's menu doesn't have to explain itself: diners already know this food, which simply has to be prepared well and to taste good.
For all that diners know, they could be eating Shaker-bake.
Then, if any aspect of the dining experience was less than perfect, diners would know exactly whom to blame.
But what most diners don't know is that the matron was on to something.
But he was careful to let diners know the guide is just a guide.