The dingy light was depressing; not until afternoon would the sun shine directly into the room.
Peering from the window, the passengers saw the dingy lights of the station.
Five feet down, another torch hung in a sconce, casting its dingy light upon the cold stone steps.
Id the dingy light I bent closely and eased her eyelids up.
It was dark, without the wash of dingy red light, without the icy air.
Darkness fell and a few of the rundown airport's dingy lights flilkered on.
They appeared seedy in the dingy light and he guessed, by their expressions, he must look pretty odd himself.
The two small bulbs made a dingy light in the small bathroom.
By the dingy lights of the hall, The Shadow could see a telegraph messenger on the threshold.
In the dingy light he'd thought he might have seen the glitter of fangs.