Pennstrak gestured toward the dingy windows of the flat, through which the vanes of the big copter were visible.
He swivelled his chair round so that he could see through the dingy windows, jutted his lower lip forward and beat it with his pencil.
In a few moments I heard some thumping around inside, saw a vague face through a dingy window.
One is the immensely effective seduction scene as Marie gives way to the Drum Major and both disappear behind Wozzeck's dingy window.
Rusted bars showed on the front of dingy windows.
It was a single room, narrow bed, dingy window, with a few attempts at homey with the frilly pink curtain and cheap shiny pink pillows.
Op Owen corrected him, glancing around at the rich brilliant velvet drapes framing the dingy window to the wildly clashing pillows thrown on the elegant Empire loveseat.
I could see some of this labyrinth from the dingy window.
Weak sunlight filtered through the dingy windows, lighting motes of dust sent dancing in the air by Harry's rush through the room.
Northwest Smith opened his eyes to Martia-n sunlight streaming thinly through the dingy window.