Or, put another way, John G. Craig Jr., editor of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, said in an interview: "I don't know why the United States Attorney is mucking around in the integrity of our dining reviews.
(These summaries, written by Eric Asimov, are taken from Mr. Asimov's and others' dining reviews, columns and articles in The Times.)
This real-time content is also cross-posted to various Twitter accounts managed by Schmap, including an account for (a) most every city's wining and dining reviews and (b) events in that city.
That same year the Dallas Restaurant Association sent a letter to its members urging an advertising boycott of the magazine because of its critical dining reviews.
For other suggestions, you can consult the Citizens Jury Project's Web site: www.vera.org/jury/ (These summaries, written by Eric Asimov, are taken from Ruth Reichl's and Mr. Asimov's dining reviews, columns and articles in The Times.)
The description of the Court Jester Restaurant in a dining review (Oct. 11) as "A Masculine Setting in White Plains" is outrageously sexist.