At night, residents of Jidhafs held a public dinner banquet to celebrate the fall of Egypt's president.
Ken Ishikawa collapsed at a dinner banquet, after a day of golf, and was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead according to his mentor, Go Nagai.
She received an honorary award during the dinner banquet at the close of the event.
"But where else can you get a picnic, two breakfasts and a dinner banquet, all for $65?"
Lavish dinner banquets and late-night reresopers (from Occitan rèire-sopar, "late supper") with considerable amounts of alcoholic beverage were considered immoral.
On Saturday, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell is expected to speak at the group's dinner banquet.
It was also the wine that Petronius, in the Satyricon, has Trimalchio serve it at his dinner banquet.
Another big dinner banquet was scheduled for 6:30 that night, and immediately after that, a long flight back to Washington.
At a dinner banquet, the personalities of Dryfoos the capitalist, Lindau the socialist, and Colonel Woodburn the pro-slavery advocate clash.
These, and other local delicacies, are prominently featured in Sekirei So's 15-course dinner banquet, and 12-course breakfast feast.