The oceanfront setting itself is worth the hefty lunch and dinner tab.
Speaking of value for price, lunch is a lovely way to sample Enoteca's sumptuous fare at a fraction of the dinner tab.
At his first convention, in the Bahamas, he picked up the dinner tab for 15 of his new fellow Fellows.
They include matters like meeting, greeting or introducing someone, making a positive first impression or discreetly picking up a dinner tab.
Lynne was on the pay-desk when Zelde signed her dinner tab.
Let Uncle Sam pick up the dinner tab.
Lunch tabs are less than $20, dinner tabs less than $30.
One dinner tab of $45.45 for a three-course dinner for two was well worth the price, even with drinks, tax and gratuity added on.
Restaurant owners will report all single dinner tabs over $100 to the Internal Revenue Service.
I got you dinner tabs and floral receipts and eight-by-tens and video.